Friday, March 23, 2012

What Swedish Butler Saw VHS An inferior adaptation of a Victorian underground classic

What the Swedish Butler Saw [VHS] The Butler's Deaf but the Audience will wish they're BLIND! If you want to watch one of the worst movies ever made try The Green Slime' or The Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. At least these other features are silly and have some reel pathos.
SIlly sex farce includes a 3D version WHAT THE SWEDISH BUTLER SAW aka THE GROOVE ROOM and TICKLED PINK was made in the 1970s and was shot and released in polarized clear glasses 3D. The VHS is flat however a 3D DVD under THE GROOVE ROOM title is available. Unfortunately it has been converted to the inferior red/cyan glasses anaglyph format which looks nothing like the original 3D did. Some scenes have some interesting depth but the anaglyph conversion isn't the best. Don't judge 3D by what you see here the film didn't look like this in theatres with the polarized glasses.A flat 2D version is also included and most viewers will probably stick with it. An audio commentary by the director and producer is also included and worth a listen.
An inferior adaptation of a Victorian underground classic Based on the underground Victorian novel A Man with a Maid this film wastes a good deal of time with nonsense like Jack the Ripper hiding out in a hidden room and watching as Jack seduces Alice the lady who jilted him. Sadly the results and the silly 3D gimmicks do little to recreate the erotic scenes from the original novel. Perhaps someday someone will do a proper Xrated adaptation of A Man with a Maid but the Groove Room isn't it.
Hehe got this for a lady friend as a practical joke. She threw it at my head. This movie had a budget of approximately two dollars and seventeen cents. I'd call it an utter turkey but that would be an insult to respectable turkeys everywhere. They did not use real actors for this instead substituting cardboard figures controlled by string Just like the Phantom Menace! Ah hell why am I reviewing this? It's softcore porn and pretty terrible at it. The tickling scene isn't bad though. Buy it for a practical joke like I did.


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