Friday, April 13, 2012

Cyberdrome Joseph Rhea Really enjoyed this.


Very disappointing A few pages into the story and it was obvious that the book is selfpublished not that selfpublishing is bad only that a professional publisher would not print the story. The characters have no depth and the situations are very rushed. It felt as though the story had been written in the hopes that it would make it to the silver screen I'm afraid that Tron and the sequel are already there. On the positive side the story was well edited. I made it halfway through the book before the number of adventure game cybermonsters began to overrun my Kindle's CPU and my own limited cognitive abilities.
Really Cool Stuff This book has been compared to Tron and Tron Legacy but this author knows more about computer systems than the Tron writers ever did. Actually his left pinky finger knows more about computer systems than the Tron writers ever did. Now the whole idea of people entering a computer leaves some very hard to figure out questions what exactly do biological functions like breathing or having adrenaline flood your body really mean when everything is binary code? So ignore those questions. Just concentrate on the really cool things that would look great in a movie like the monstrous living machines based on praying mantises worms and other things. My favorite was soldiers that used identical parts to build and rebuild themselves into various forms.I can't say this author knows as much about realistic characters as he does about computers but his characters serve their purpose.The ending is very much a leadin to more adventures and I hope the sequels will explore some of the many simulated Earths on which people live and die without knowing they are simulated. We barely get a glimpse of them in this first book.
After all the positive reviews I was disappointed I suppose I picked up this book because it got 4+ star reviews and it was scifi and it was cheap. But while reading it I wondered what would the reviews have been like if this was a seven dollar book?I thought the plot was very Avatar/Tron/Matrix as the other nonglowing reviews have stated. Maybe it's difficult to write scifi in the wake stories like these that doesn't seem so derivative.Oh and I didn't like the ending at all.
Fast Paced Well Balanced The story moves along quickly and although it takes some thinking to keep up with the author it is not difficult to capture the story line and keep each character in line with all that is happening. Unlike some books that one has to refer back frequently there is no doubt as to most of the main characters. Of course sorting out the bad guys from the good ones is not always easy and trying to imagine the bizzare beings described is not always easy. The pictures at the end of the book aid the reader's imagination.I anticipate the sequal to this book if the author intends to write one. I am not a computer geek but have enough understanding to assimilate the main ideas. I recommend this book to those who enjoy science fiction and easy reading.
Really enjoyed this. I thought this was clever original plot was tricky you had to bend your mind to get the plot it was moving fast. I was thankful that i had a kindle that i could look up the meaining of some of the words.This book is not for those who are just dabbling in sci fi this is the real deal and I thoroughly enjoyed itIt also has that glimmer of this could be technology in 50 years grasp to it.
Can't believe it took me this long.. I had this book for over a year on my Kindle before reading it. I have no clue WHY ok yes I do I LOVE books and have well over 600 TBR on my Kindle right now because it was certainly a good book. Ok.. I like good scifi. this qualified. It was written before the 2010 Tron movie came out and was reminiscent of the old Tron but had more than enough originality to hold its own.Many of the pictures in the back of the book were exactly as I imagined the scenes while reading them. This was more than worth my time and I am only sorry it took me so long to get to this book.
I remember that I really enjoyed it. I read this book over a year ago and have just stumbled on it and thought I owe the author my thanks. I really enjoyed reading the book although the details now escape me. If there is a sequel give me a shout.
Only for the undiscerning This is the pulpiest of pulp fiction I barely made it past the halfway mark. And I'm a fan of EE Smith that should tell you something. It starts well enough but New Rule find in an SF book the phrase I never stopped loving you and frisbee it into the bin. Seriously maybe DH Lawrence or Jane Austin can pull that of but in SF it just means someone is in way over their head.
great Great book definetley for the tech say. Even if you aren't its still a great book. I am looking for some other books that might be in this topic but hard to find.

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