Sunday, June 24, 2012

Trusts Their Nigeria Malthouse Books9780231749 I Saw Heaven

I Saw Heaven: A Remarkable Visit to the Spirit World
I Saw Heaven: A Remarkable Visit to the Spirit World Read more...

** Not A Believalble Story. A Time Waster. Wow I finally got around to reading this book. Bought it months ago and let it sit. Something about it was unsettling. I read it in one weekend and consider it a ridiculous non believable read. I grew up Catholic dated a Mormon for awhile. I respect the Mormon people still but I do not respect this book. This book actually did some damage to my views of the Mormon Church. Don't waste your time.
great! I loved this book really an eye opener. Great insight into what Heaven may be like. Beauiful encouragin testimony.Lawrence Tooley is a great author.Loved it.
I Saw Heaven I Saw Heaven is a beautiful story of a man unexpectedly taken to the life after mortality. I am amazed as I review the narrow minded thinking of supposed Christians who seem to criticize anything that challenges their narrow beliefs as if their beliefs was the only truth. Lawrence Tooley who had the experience was not an active member of his church. He isn't a minister. He was a common guy who had a serious accident that took him unexpectedly to the world of spirits. His testimony when reviewed with the spirit of true faith and prayer lifts edifies and inspires those whose worldly cares get them down. There is so much more to this life and the next. Christ is at the headhe is in controlof our lives and this world. No matter how bad it gets in this life faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will comfort lift and clear our vision to a greater happiness. Critics come and go but Jesus said Love one another as I have loved you. I'm thankful for this testimony and look forward to the love and peace of the next life.
Excellent Book Excellent writing. This book was easy to read. I didn't want to put it down. I felt what the writer was trying to convey. It made excited about being able to go to heaven.
It was great but then lost credibility for me This story is just what it says. It's remarkable and I enjoyed reading it and found a lot of it inspiring. The thing I really have a problem with is the LDS emphasis. Now personally and I don't want to turn my review into a religious debate but I'm not Mormon nor do I agree whatsoever with Mormon philosophy or belief systems. My problem isn't a biased against Mormons problem. I think anytime a denomination of faith is brought in to bolster up the belief in the story it immediately loses its credibility for me. If the LDS'ism's had been left out and the story simply told for the experiences it was I would have raved about it without feeling a subtle attempt at my conversion.
Pleasant Reading I couldn't put this book down..very interesting..I wanted to know about what it looked like on the other side and the author does give some detailsit coincides with another book I read so I believe what it looks like on the other sidepeople should not be scared or afraid to die.
Review of I Saw Heaven A remarkable visit to the spirit world I didn't care for this book. It's not Bible based. It turned me off when skimming through the book I hardly saw the word God. I don't think I saw Jesus at all. I did see the word telepathy. I'm sorry. I just threw it out. I want Biblically based accounts of people who saw Heaven.
I Saw Heaven Excellent book. Very detailed view by the author of what heaven is like. Highly recommend it.
awesome book This book was very detailed and vivid. Your not going to be able to put it down the first time reading it. I really enjoyed it and encourage anyone to buy it.
Jesus is the answer I read the book my time in heaven which highlights that it is important to accept Jesus as your lord and savior. I thought about reading this I saw heaven but don't agree with the Mormon viewpoint that Jesus wasnt god reincarnated. God sent Jesus so that we may know god personally. On that note if you are looking for a life changing book read my time in heaven.

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